Do you have a remaining stock of old mobile devices, handheld scanners and printers or are you planning to replace your old devices with new ones? Then COSYS has the right solution for you.

We are constantly looking for new devices for our online store. We will be happy to take a look at your old equipment and make you an attractive offer for your equipment. Should you combine the sale with a purchase of new equipment, we will grant you a generous discount on your new equipment in the amount of the residual value of your old equipment.

Selling your equipment brings many advantages. You don't have to worry about disposing of the equipment, you save on warehousing costs for storing the equipment, and you make buying new equipment much less expensive.

Down payment for your new hardware

The purchase of new mobile hardware is associated with high costs. Prevent and create a financial advantage for yourself by using your old devices as a down payment for your new ones.

Cost reduction

Discarded devices cause high costs in your company. Sell your equipment and avoid storage, transport and recycling costs.


Sell your hardware and give it a second life. We will resell your equipment to other companies or use it to repair damaged equipment.

Company takeovers, company dissolutions and mergers

During takeovers, dissolutions or mergers of companies, large quantities of mobile hardware are disposed of, even though they are technically flawless. In these cases COSYS is always interested in buying the devices. Turn your old devices into cash and let COSYS give your hardware a second life. Sell your no longer needed hardware to COSYS or exchange your hardware for new devices. We will find the right solution for you.

Down payment for your new

Are you planning to modernize your mobile system? Then you can combine the disposal of your old equipment with the purchase of your new ones. Create more financial freedom for yourself and use your used devices as a down payment for your new ones. When purchasing new equipment, COSYS grants you a substantial discount in the amount of your down payment. This way the purchase finances itself and saves you a lot of money.

Environmentally friendly disposal

If your old equipment is truly unsalvageable, we will gladly take it and dispose of it in a completely environmentally friendly manner. We take recyclable parts from the devices and add them to our spare parts stock. This way we can save the life of other devices during repair. Other device components are professionally taken to the waste electrical equipment disposal by us, so that recyclable raw materials can be obtained from them.

Purchase procedure

Buying your equipment is very easy at COSYS. Contact us and let us have a look at your devices. Our purchasing department will take good care of them and send you through our purchase requisitions. So that we can get a better picture of your devices, you should have your devices checked by our technicians. Of course, we will cover the transportation costs incurred for you. After the inspection, we will be happy to provide you with an offer for the repurchase of your equipment. As soon as the repurchase has been processed, we will reset your devices and delete all data so that no third parties can access your sensitive company data.

FAQ devices purchase

If you plan to sell your old equipment, you should contact COSYS. We offer attractive prices for your old used equipment.

Yes, you can finance the purchase of new equipment with the sale of your old equipment. In this case, we will deduct the value of your old equipment from the purchase price of the new equipment.

If you have larger quantities of equipment from e.g. company liquidations, this is no problem. COSYS is also happy to buy larger quantities.